Aside from the base bid, Google SEM campaign performance can be influenced by contextual signals from the customer. These include but are not limited to: device, location, gender, parental status, household income, etc.

For this post we’ll focus on ad schedule (or intraday) and visualize how time of day and day of week is performing.

Load data


df <- read_csv("")

Spot check our data

df %>% 
## # A tibble: 20 x 5
##    account   day_of_week hour_of_day   roas conv_rate
##    <chr>     <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 Account 3 Tuesday               5 0.509    0.0183 
##  2 Account 2 Friday                4 1.11     0.0401 
##  3 Account 2 Sunday               11 1.07     0.0309 
##  4 Account 3 Saturday             18 1.09     0.0301 
##  5 Account 1 Thursday             19 0.303    0.0165 
##  6 Account 1 Tuesday               8 0.362    0.0230 
##  7 Account 2 Saturday              4 0.722    0.0340 
##  8 Account 3 Friday               10 0.653    0.00844
##  9 Account 2 Wednesday             8 0.448    0.0262 
## 10 Account 1 Saturday              9 0.858    0.0467 
## 11 Account 1 Saturday             18 0.266    0.0136 
## 12 Account 1 Saturday              8 0.871    0.0349 
## 13 Account 2 Friday               14 0.546    0.0196 
## 14 Account 1 Sunday                5 0.0444   0.00889
## 15 Account 3 Wednesday            21 0.530    0.0248 
## 16 Account 1 Tuesday              16 0.801    0.0451 
## 17 Account 2 Monday                2 0.884    0.0230 
## 18 Account 2 Wednesday            19 0.772    0.0275 
## 19 Account 3 Monday               21 0.444    0.0367 
## 20 Account 1 Tuesday               3 0        0

Clean data

Convert to factors

The day_of_week is a character and time_of_day is a double data type. We need to transform them to factors so they don’t surprise us later.

df_clean <- df %>% 
  mutate(day_of_week = as.factor(day_of_week),
         hour_of_day = as.factor(hour_of_day)) 

Reorder day of week

If we plot our chart now it won’t be correct because day_of_week will not be arranged properly from Sunday to Saturday format.

## [1] "Friday"    "Monday"    "Saturday"  "Sunday"    "Thursday"  "Tuesday"  
## [7] "Wednesday"

We can quickly refactor with a few lines of code:

df_clean$day_of_week <- factor(df_clean$day_of_week, 
                               levels = c("Saturday", "Friday", "Thursday",
                                          "Wednesday", "Tuesday", "Monday", "Sunday"))

Let’s check to make sure it did what we wanted:

## [1] "Saturday"  "Friday"    "Thursday"  "Wednesday" "Tuesday"   "Monday"   
## [7] "Sunday"

Plot our results

df_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(hour_of_day, day_of_week, fill = conv_rate)) +
  geom_tile(color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = 'grey', mid = 'white', high = 'steelblue') +
  labs(y = NULL, x = "Hour of Day", fill = "Conversion Rate") +

We can quickly see from this visualization that Tuesday & Wednesdays at midnight the conversion rate is 7% or higher. Conversely, 10AM on Saturday has a conversion rate close to the 0% range.

With this insight we can then amplify or dampen our intraday bid modifiers to improve overall campaign efficiencies.

And for the love of data…


df_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(hour_of_day, day_of_week, fill = conv_rate)) +
  geom_tile(color = 'white') +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = 'grey', mid = 'white', high = 'steelblue') +
  labs(y = NULL, x = "Hour of Day", fill = "Conversion Rate") +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_grid(account ~ .)