When I first started doing keyword research I found myself easily downloading 10+ CSV files from the Google Adwords Keyword Tool.  This became a (painful) problem because I had to manually copy and paste all the data into a single Excel file.

Fast forward a few months when I finally found the perfect solution: using the CAT function (short for CONCATENATE) within the command line.  Mac users can get started immediately with their Terminal (located in the Utilities folder); Windows users will have to download Cygwin.

Are you ready for the super secret code to painlessly aggregate all your CSV files into a single document?  Here you go…

cat *.csv >> OUTPUT_FILE.csv

And this is how it looks like in action…

The _*.csv_ portion of the code tells the computer to fetch all files ending in .csv.  The remaining line appends all the data into OUTPUT_FILE.csv or whatever you want to name it - in the image above it’s combine.csv.

Merging of your files should take less than 3 seconds.  Painless, right?!